Person Centered Care

In order to respect our core values of care our highly personalised person-centred care planning process is essential. We believe we care for individuals with unique personalities, core beliefs and life experiences, who just happen to have mental health conditions.

The advanced care plans are developed with the help of those that we care for, their families and friends and carers. Our background information or the biography section of the plan is crucial to enable carers to truly know the person they are caring for an essential to promoting independence and choice and respecting the core values and beliefs of the people we care for.

Our care plans are structured to focus on what our people can do, rather than what they can’t find recognises capabilities and how we can best structure our care to promote and encourage that capability. Where a particular need is identified, the care plan highlights how staff can effectively address that need.

In addition, the advanced care plan contains a section that contains the wishes of the person in the event of illness and death. This section can be very emotive to complete and is done by our trained senior team who speak to the person themselves or use documents already prepared by the person to ensure we can fulfil the wishes of those we care for of the wishes they have expressed to family and friends.

We operate a key-worker system, where highly trained staff take a special interest in one or two people and use the care plans to enable those, we care for to live their lives to the full. The key worker will be involved in the care plan review process and can ensure that it is adapted to truly reflect individual needs and wishes.

Staffs are key to the success of person-centred care planning. Staffs draw upon the information contained in the care plan to guide their actions and interaction with the people they care for. The life history section of the care plan helps to ensure people’s beliefs and lifestyles are respected and facilitated and that people’s choices are put into practice.

The advanced care plan, in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005, is used by our care team to empower those that we care for whenever possible, to make decisions for themselves.